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By October 26, 2020 February 25th, 2021 No Comments

You love your pet and want the best for it, and keeping it healthy is one of the most important parts of having a dog or cat in your life. At Broadway Veterinary Hospital, we believe the best medicine is preventative medicine. We advise all our pet owners to bring their cats and dogs in for regular pet wellness exams. It’s the best way to make sure your furry family member is living a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Aspects of Pet Wellness

The most important action you can take to keep your pet healthy is to make sure to keep your wellness checkup appointments. During the visit, our veterinarian will give your pet a nose-to-tail exam, including:

  • Weighing and measuring your pet to make sure it’s a healthy weight

  • Checking its mouth, teeth, tongue and gums for dental problems or infections

  • Giving any needed vaccinations to help keep your pet disease-free

  • Checking for parasites, both inside and out

Problems Our Veterinarians Screen For

A pet wellness examination isn’t just a general checkup for heartbeat and behavior habits. Our team will look for signs of a wide variety of health problems, some of which can be quite serious without causing any overt symptoms. Dental problems such as plaque and tartar can lead to infections of the gum that can travel to the heart and other internal organs. Mosquito bites can lead to heartworm, which can severely sicken or kill animals if not treated. Puppies and kittens will need to be immunized against a list of diseases, as their natural immunity will be wearing off around the time of their first visit. 

Proactive Preventative Medicine

We take some actions with your pet of a proactive nature, giving it treatment before any problems appear. Besides the normal vaccinations we give to every dog and cat, we also treat them to prevent deadly heartworms with a monthly medication. We advise spaying or neutering your puppy or kitten as early as eight weeks old, as long as the animal is at least two pounds. Spaying and neutering not only prevent unwanted litters, they prevent a wide variety of cancers and other health problems.

Pet Exams in Sacramento

Our caring veterinary team is here to keep your pet happy and healthy throughout its entire life. We care for our patients just like they were our own pets, and we’d like to add your pet to our office family. Call us at 209-808-3123 to schedule an appointment today.

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