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Mast cells are found in nearly every tissue of the body. This type of white cell is responsible for responding to allergens or other entities that stimulate allergies. They work in the body by releasing compounds and chemicals through a process called degranulation. Histamine is one of the compounds released during the degranulation process. Histamines cause the body to react by producing symptoms like sneezing, itching, a runny nose, and eyes. Sometimes mast cells will group together to form tumors in cats. Here at Broadway Veterinary Hospital in Sacramento, our veterinarian treats felines who have mast cell tumors. Here is some information about mastocytoma and why you need to take your pet to your local animal hospital for an evaluation.

Mast Cell Tumors Can Develop Anywhere

Because mast cell tumors develop in the organs, it is important for people to pay very close attention to their cat’s skin when they are grooming them. This type of tumor can cause the spleen and the intestines to increase in size. Mast cell tumors represent the most common type of tumor found in the intestines of cats. Mast cell tumors are the second most commonly found skin tumor in felines.

No Specific Cause

Veterinary professionals have yet to pinpoint a specific reason in regard to why some cats develop mast tumors and others don’t. Just like most cancers, mastocytoma does not have a singular cause. A complicated conglomeration of risk factors along with genetics and the environment seem to be the cause of the development of mast tumors in cats.

Signs and Symptoms of Mast Cell Tumors

Most mast cell tumors manifest as hard, flat areas on the skin or small lumps. Generally, they appear on the necks and heads of felines. The tumors can also appear on the ears of cats. The areas around the tumors tend to be inflamed and usually cause itching. Cats that have intestinal mastocytoma tend to have visual weight loss, a loss of appetite and nausea and vomiting. When the disease is manifested in the intestinal form, cats will also experience diarrhea and have blood in the stool along with the other aforementioned symptoms.


If you believe your cat has any of the symptoms of mastocytoma, you need to take them to a veterinary hospital as soon as possible. The veterinarian will perform a fine needle aspiration or biopsy to help make the diagnosis of the mastocytoma. Surgical intervention is the treatment of choice for mast cell tumors. Give us a call here at Broadway Veterinary Hospital in Sacramento at 916-446-6154 to schedule an appointment to have your pet evaluated today.